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FFA is an intracurricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. It is one of the three components of AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION.

Today, the National FFA Organization remains committed to the individual student, providing a path to achievement in premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.

Chapter Meetings

Chapter meetings will be held online Wednesdays during class time. Committees will schedule individual meetings via Zoom. All community service and service learning events will be posted in the Google classroom and Schoology. 

Career & Leadership Events

FFA members focus on skill development and career preparation through participation in competitive career and leadership development events that develop individual responsibility, foster teamwork and promote communication while recognizing the value of ethical competition and individual achievement.

Greeley FFA History

The Greeley FFA chapter was chartered on January 9, 1929. The first class to enroll in Vocational Agricultural Education had approximately 30 boys in the courses. The first agricultural education courses were taught in the basement of Greeley High School (now Greeley Central High School) during the fall of 1918. In 1973, the Ag program moved from the Greeley Central building to its current location in Greeley West High School. old FFA article in newspaperHorticulture courses were first offered back in 1976 to add to the educational program. Throughout its history, the FFA chapter has seen many changes. Originally in 1917, Vocational Agriculture was only offered to boys enrolled in high school. Girls were allowed to join when the rules changed in 1969. In the 87 years of its history, the Greeley FFA has seen numerous accomplishments, including numerous State and American FFA Degrees, ranking in the Top 100 FFA chapters in the nation, and having a student selected to serve as a National FFA Vice President. Most recently, the program exceeded 300 students enrolled in Agricultural Education. 


If you know of any other historical facts about the Greeley FFA chapter, please share with Kelly Longacre or email him at KLONGACRE@GREELEYSCHOOLS.ORG  


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