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Policy to Prohibit Gang-Related Activities

Greeley West acts to prohibit the existence of gangs on school property or at any activity associated with or under the general guidance of school authorities.  “Gang” as used in this policy shall mean two or more individuals who associate with each other primarily for criminal, disruptive and/or other activities prohibited by law and/or by the District’s rules and regulations.


  • Shall wear, possess, use, distribute, display or sell any clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign, or other thing which is evidence of membership or affiliation with any gang. 
  • Shall draw gang graffiti or distribute gang-related literature. 
  • Shall use any speech or act in furtherance of gang activity.
  • Shall solicit others for membership in any gang.
  • Shall request any person to pay protection or otherwise act to extort any person.
  • Shall commit any other illegal act or other violation of school district policies. 
  • Shall incite other persons to act with physical violence upon any other person. 
  • Shall attend any activity that could be interpreted as relating to gangs or gang activity. 

Any student who violates this policy would be asked to sign a “gang contract” prohibiting future gang-related activities.  Any further violations of the WCSD6 policies related to gangs/gang-related activities will result in a 3-day suspension.  All gang-related paraphernalia or materials will be confiscated.