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Parking Registration, Bikes, and Skateboards

Vehicles, and their drivers, parked on campus without a valid parking hangtag or vehicles violating registration, operation, and/or parking rules with or without a valid parking tag are subject to traffic tickets, disciplinary action, towing, and/or loss of parking privileges for the remainder of the school year and/or the following school year 

Parking Passes and Registration

Only ONE permit per student.  The student must display the current parking tag on the rear-view mirror visible from the front of the vehicle at all times.  The parking tag is transferable between registered family vehicles, but the student must register each vehicle and provide the required information.  If a registered vehicle is replaced, new registration forms must be completed. Students may not transfer or sell parking tags to another student. Loss of an assigned parking tag will result in a $5.00 replacement fee.  When a student withdraws, transfers, or graduates early, he/she must return the parking tag to the main office.

Students must submit the following required documents with the parking fee before receiving a parking tag:

  • Proof of Colorado vehicle registration for each vehicle registered 

  • Valid driver’s license

  • Valid proof of insurance for each vehicle registered

  • Completed and Greeley West High School Vehicle Registration form. 

WCSD6 and GWHS are not responsible for damages or towing costs for towed vehicles due to violation of parking provisions.  The school is not responsible for any vehicle or its contents while parked on school grounds. Vehicles are subject to search by administration/security at the discretion of the principal or designee.  Tobacco, tobacco paraphernalia, drugs, drug paraphernalia, and alcohol are prohibited on school premises and in cars on campus. “Tagging” cars is also prohibited.


Students are welcome to ride their bikes to school but do so at their own risk.  Bike racks are located on the southeast corner of the building.  Students are responsible for locking up their bikes with their own bike locks.  Greeley West is not responsible for stolen bicycles.

Students are not allowed to ride their bikes on campus.  Riders must dismount from their bike and walk to and from the bike racks while on school grounds.


Skateboards are not allowed on the GWHS campus.  Students who ride their skateboard to school must dismount while on school grounds and must store their skateboard in their locker during the school day.  

Students who ride bicycles or skateboards on campus will have them confiscated and will require a parent or guardian to pick up from the main office.