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Health Clinic & Medication Policies

Greeley West High School has a full-time health clerk and a certified nurse on staff.

  • Students must obtain a pass from their teacher prior to coming to the clinic during class unless there is an emergency.  

  • All students who become ill or injured at school and may need to go home must first go to the clinic before being excused from school.  A staff member will assist the student in contacting parents or guardians.  Students should not call from a cell phone and required to report to the clinic. 

  • School District 6 personnel encourage medications to be taken at home if at all possible.  Many medicines may be taken before school hours and/or after school.  If school personnel are asked to assist the student in taking medication, it must be sent to school in a properly labeled bottle.  We must have written directions for giving the medication signed by a physician, and written permission from a parent before the medication will be administered.  Students are not to give other students any kind of drugs or medication.