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Grading Policies

Greeley West High School Grading Belief Statements

  • Students should be able to pass classes when they can show mastery on grade-level standards.  

  • Grades and gradebooks reflect student progress towards mastery of the grade level standards the course is focused on.

  • Students and families are given regular feedback on progress towards mastery of standards through rubrics, grades, and direct communication. (ie. Parent/Teacher Conferences) 

  • Students monitor their own progress and are able to communicate it and articulate steps to improve to their instructor and to their families.

  • Students are given regular opportunities to summarize content and reflect on their learning.

  • Teachers work collaboratively in PLC's to refine grading practices for consistencies across courses, create and refine rubrics, and align assessments to grade-level expectations.

Grading Best Practices: Greeley West Teachers are expected to: 

  • Create formative and summative assessments tied to grade-level standards and allow students multiple opportunities to show proficiency throughout a semester.

  • Adopt and consistently utilize rubrics that are tied to grade-level standards with exemplars to provide students and families feedback.

  • Calibrate grades across course sections on assignments and assessments.

  • Enter in at least one grade in the gradebook per week or have an opportunity for students improve their grade by showing mastery of standards each week.

Grades and attendance are available to view anytime online on our Infinite Campus Portal at  Progress Reports and Report Cards are also available on Infinite Campus electronically and will not be sent home.  If you would like a paper copy of your report card, please contact the main office.

It is essential for parents/guardians to be kept fully informed of their student's progress in school. Regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences serve to promote a process of continuous evaluation of student performance.  Parent Teacher Conferences will take place from 4:00-8:00 p.m. twice a semester (every 6 weeks).