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Counseling Services & Resources

Counselors deliver programs and services impacting student academic development, college and career development, and social/emotional development.

Visit our counseling webpage to learn about all the services available in the GWHS Counseling Office. 

Meeting with a Counselor

Students are encouraged to make appointments to meet with their school counselors. This can be done through scanning the QR code (located on posters throughout the hallways and classrooms) for the counselor or by emailing the counselor directly.

Student Schedules and Changes

9th and 10 grade students must be scheduled in courses every period of the day for a total of eight classes. Students in 11th and 12th grade may have up to 2 periods in their schedule as “Free Periods.” Free Periods are scheduled for the beginning and end of the school day only in periods 1, 2, 7, and/or 8. Extenuating circumstances will permit exemptions to these course load requirements and limitations as determined by the principal or designated administrator. Schedule changes are permitted within the first two weeks of the semester unless authorized by an administrator. After the first two weeks of the semester, the follow procedure should be followed when an 11th or 12th grade student needs to drop a class:

  1. Obtain a "Permission to Drop" form from your counselor.
  2. Complete the form with your signature, a parent/guardian signature, and teacher signature. 
  3. Turn in the form to your counselor who will work with an administrator to make the final determination.