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Activity Scheduling & Facilities Use Request Procedure

Begin by checking the activities calendar with the athletic secretary or office manager for a time and date to be placed on the calendar and obtain a Building Usage Form from them (the request for facilities should be made at least one week in advance).  Upon approval of the athletic director, one copy will be sent back to the office manager for posting on the official activities calendar and then routed to the building manager so staff can be notified of the meeting.  

Meetings and rehearsals before school, after school, at night, as well as during the school day are included in this policy. All meetings of student organizations, committees, cabinets, councils, etc., need to be arranged with the Athletic/Activities Director in person, so that conflicts may be avoided and for the event to be placed on the calendar.

Things to remember...

  • If you plan to use the building at night or on the weekend, please complete the necessary Building Use Form so that the custodial staff is aware of your plans and can adjust their staff schedules if needed.

  • Please keep the students you are responsible for restricted to the area of the building you are supervising.

  • DO NOT allow students to use your keys.

  • You must check all doors in your area.  It is strongly recommended that all students whom you are supervising enter and leave via the same door.

  • All exterior doors MUST BE LOCKED WHEN YOU LEAVE THE BUILDING.  Do not anticipate someone else locking up after you.

  • THE ALARM WILL BE ACTIVATED AT 11:30 P.M.  If the alarm sounds, personnel from the school will be called to come to the school. Please make arrangements in advance to alter the alarm schedule if it is an issue.