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Discipline Policy

Positive Behavior & Intervention Systems

Improving student academic and behavior outcomes is about ensuring that all students have access to the most effective and accurately implemented instructional and behavioral practices and interventions possible. The Positive Behavior & Intervention Systems (PBIS) at Greeley West create teaching and learning environments that are: 

  • Less reactive, aversive, dangerous, and exclusionary
  • More engaging, responsive, preventive, and productive
  • Address classroom management and disciplinary issues (e.g., attendance, tardiness, antisocial behavior)
  • Improve supports for students whose behaviors require more specialized assistance (e.g., emotional and behavioral disorders, mental health)
  • Most importantly, maximize academic engagement and achievement for all students

Well-defined academic and behavior expectations have been established and are communicated at Greeley West, and provide both the staff and students a common language and understanding of what is expected in all facets of the school. Students identified as needing academic and/or behavior support will receive appropriate interventions.  

Spartan Behaviors

These deeds increase student achievement and establish a positive learning environment. 

  • Being self-responsible
  • Cooperating with others
  • Returning equipment
  • Helping others
  • Acting as a role model

Behavior Violations